I have lots of things to show you!
First up....more knitting project bags (actually you could use these for a whole host of things!):
When I was up in Maine in April, I bought some Heather Ross fat quarters at Purl Diva. (The new Heather Ross line is amazing. It's called Far, Far Away 2-would be amazing for a little girl quilt...but anyways...) I don't know what this line is called, and I never thought I would buy fabric with mermaids on it, but it's so gosh darn whimsical and cute. And I love the colors. Especially the dark purple.
How about some more pictures?
I usually don't line my drawstring bags, but I decided to do it this time around. And I really like the sturdiness of them. I had thought about reversing the fabrics to contrast with the box bags, but how dirty would those white prints get?
More pictures, you say? Okay...
This one already has my yarn and needles for the class I'm taking on Sunday!

How dang cute are those fish????
I haven't posted any spinning up here in a while, and I think it's time...
I am in love with this skein. It is mohair, nylon, and little merino. I had never spun mohair before and was a little nervous about it. But, it really turned out lovely (minus the mohair that was all. over. the. house). If it a) wasn't mohair and b) was washable, it would make a really lovely baby gift.
This is some Blue Faced Leicester yarn that I left as a single ply. It's a bit thick and thin...I think it is destined to become a simple hat of some sort.
I've been walking/hiking quite a bit with Valerie and her dog Diamond, especially now that the weather has warmed up a bit (just a bit though....we're about 10 degrees below normal temps for this time of year!). I tried to get some pictures of the dogs last time we were out....but boy, are they fast.
They just adore each other!
Well, I've been terribly unproductive today with regards to housework (although I have done 2 loads of laundry...I guess that counts for something) and we have one of Seth's friends from med school coming tomorrow night for dinner!
I am going to a local sheep and wool festival this weekend, though, so I'll be sure to take lots of pictures of the yummy yarn, fiber and cute animals!
As we say here in Maine, those are WICKED CUTE!