Friday, January 14, 2011

A snow day... or two!

First off, you are so out of control with your spinning, I'm so impressed!  How you manage to stay so focused on all of the projects you have going is beyond me.  I loved the grey custom spinning job you did- it's just gorgeous!  The sock project is also ambitious, but fun and I'm sure for you, quite doable!  I've never made socks- but perhaps I'll try a pair this year!  

(that's our christmas tree in the back, i think it looks so sweet covered in snow!)

So, Wednesday brought us our first big snow of the season... dare I say it, a nor'easter!  It started snowing on Tuesday night and by Wednesday morning we had roughly 6 inches on the ground and it was coming down hard!  It snowed all day- I went over early to the boys house as they had a snow day (and poor dad was trying to still get work done) and it was snowing so hard the boys didn't want to play outside for more than half an hour, which meant lots of lego time inside.  I love legos.  I completely forgot how awesome they are until this fall when we were reacquainted.  The boys have lots of sets- the Harry Potter ones, including the borough, Hogwarts express and the quidditch match... but what I really love is when they get excited to create something new with the pieces they have!  The oldest and I have created a town of sorts over the past few weeks that includes a general store, a bank, a jail, post office and we are starting a school!  He gets so excited when we start a new project.  He of course, is very concrete in his thinking, looking at his pieces as exactly what they "are supposed to be," I of course imagine them completely differently which gets us moving!

But back to the snow.... The lego party happened for the afternoon and I left at dusk to head home... and we probably had 12 inches... by the time we woke up we had an additional 2 inches!  Awesome!!

Outside of the lego adventures, I've been knitting and finishing up a few projects in between playing with the wee ones...

There was some painting...
(I finished all the trim and replaced some switch plates too!)

Some knitting.....

(I'm really happy I started over for the THIRD time.  It looks great and the button edges make so much more sense... Hopefully now that I've pretty much memorized the dang pattern it will go more quickly!)

Some cooking.....
(This is a "lazy" lasagna- which I made with farfalle instead of lasagna noodles, mushrooms and spinach... it was delicious and honestly it was very easy.  F made philly cheese steaks at home last night- I had never had one and it was honestly really good!!)

....And some watching of movies on the couch!  F and I watched the A-Team last night and The Town the night before.  If you haven't seen The Town, rent it, it was really intense, but good.  It made me love Ben Affleck again...  The A-Team was funny, very entertaining, but sill at the same time.  Oh and suddenly I'm obsessed with NCIS.  I've gotten F into it too- lucky me, there have been a few marathons over the past few weekends, which with the help of DVR and some knitting, I've beginning to get the back story! Haha...

Hope you enjoy the weekend- I'm going to try out a yoga class tonight I think (please let my ankles survive!) and take the pup for a seriously long walk today (he's been really antsy this week and I think that lack of serious exercise is a large part of it!).

Miss you!

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