This is, per usual, a very overdue post! I've had bunches to tell you but was pretty busy with all of the pre-holiday planning, knitting and babysitting! First- updates on knitting... Remember the vest I made Drew? Well here are some photos he sent me (with much prompting from my friend Jenna...). They are equal parts terrifying and entertaining:
The Nice One:
The Naughty Ones!

I think it looks pretty good, if I do say so myself! That night I got a message requesting a knitted pair of socks. Ut oh... Much still to catch up on though, including this vest for dad and maren's other glove... which I'm actively working on...
I also did a little knitting for the tree- a ball for each tree in our family (Em & Tym, Maren, my parents and Franklin's mom. Still need to make one for Franklin and I... but again, I'm still not finished with a bit of holiday knitting!!) They came from Interweave Knits a while back- it was a multi pack of patterns for the holiday. I liked this one the best and to be honest, they were really easy.
I also got a photo from Patricia, our camp nurse, with a few photos of her little man wearing a sweater I made him! I put them up on Ravelry, take a peek when you can! In addition to the balls, I made Charlittle some special gifts :) A tutu, which I found in a Family Fun magazine (such great crafting projects!) which she hasn't warmed to in the slightest... She kind of cried when we put it on her, but hopefully it will grow on her! These are some "in progress" shots...
I also made her a wee hat to go with her very Canadian snowsuit :) Hopefully I'll get the full ensemble on film soon :) but for now, here is the hat and little Miss in her Christmas outfit!
More to update later, including some yummy food to share, but for now, I will wish you and Sheffy a Merry Christmas!!
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