Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Challenge 2010: Grow a Garden

Meet my seedlings (well, not seedlings quite yet...but they will be...hopefully):

Seth and I stopped at the garden store yesterday on our quest for Chia Seeds (yes, seeds that grow Chia Pets...more on that later) and picked up seeds and a seedling tray for our garden! I spent today planting cherry tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, and basil. The rest will be planted directly into the garden in May (pumpkins, green beans, radishes, carrots, and probably garlic and onions). I also cleaned out the raised garden beds of all the old plants and weeds. Sailor decided to help:


He was sitting in the raised bed...what a strange dog.


The weather has been so beautiful here this week! The nice weather looks like it's going to last until Sunday, and then the rain will be back. Hopefully I'll have lots of pictures to share after our weekend trip to Bend. 

So the Chia seeds....

There is a running book, I think it's called "Born to Run", that talks about using Chia seeds when running. Apparently, they are all the rage right now. Weirdo and Seth decided that they wanted to try them, so yesterday we went on a search for Chia seeds. We tried Trader Joe's, the Co-Op, and the garden store (more to get garden supplies, but thought we'd check anyways). The Co-Op carries them, but they were out of stock. We were told that their distributer is backordered because there was an Oprah segment about them and now everyone wants them. I've also seen them talked about on the Today Show. Since we couldn't find them anywhere, we ordered them online. A 2 lb bag. Hopefully they're everything they're cracked up to be...and hopefully they don't make Seth turn into a Chia pet :)

Well, I've had a super productive day and now I need to eat dinner before I make a batch of cookies (to ensure that I don't eat all the pre-cooked dough!)! 

Have a wonderful weekend!

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