I had my second spinning lesson today and finished up my Jazzercise yarn! I'm super pleased with it!! I ended up getting a little over 200 yards. Here are a few pictures from start to finish:
Started as this lovely roving:
Spun singles:

Plied finished yarn:
As per your request, here are a couple of pictures of the craft room (more pictures of the house to come in a later post...):
The craft room clean and organized:
The craft room in full swing: (see my spinning wheel?!)
In knitting news, I finished my tea leaves cardigan but now am on the hunt for buttons. I ordered some on etsy which were supposed to be shipped last week. However, I contacted the seller because I hadn't seen them, and she has been busy and won't be able to send them out until Tuesday. Ah, well. I'll be sure to post pictures after it is blocked and has functional buttons. I started a new, hopefully quick, project yesterday: A felted knitting basket! I need a place to store fiber for spinning, so I thought I'd give this a try. I was able to knit the entire bottom yesterday and a few inches up the sides. It should be done before I head to Hawaii, hopefully.
Awesome on the running 5 miles! I skipped the gym this weekend, but will be headed back tomorrow. S is out for his long run today: 20 miles (insane). We drove out to one of the trailheads yesterday and hiked in a bit and hid a ziplock bag of power bars, gatorade, and dog bones (for Sailor, obviously) that he could have supplies part way through his run.
On the food front, I made the tastiest dinner last night! I replaced our rice cooker yesterday (I was tempted to buy the fancy Japanese one at the fancy home store, but I resisted) and made Ginger Soy Chicken over rice. It's a Rachael Ray "Make Your Own Takeout" recipe. It was super easy, and really tasty!
Well on that note, I should go look through the fridge and figure out what I'm whipping up for dinner!
Liz :)
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