Sewing can be fun, but it will never replace (or even come close!) to my love of knitting and spinning. I think I will probably just dabble in sewing and stick to small projects. My initial idea of quilting might have to wait until my basic sewing skills reach a higher level! My mom (Hi Mom!) bought me a book filled with quilted projects, and I'm working on a bag from it. I also have "Weekend Sewing" by Heather Ross. My mom also bought me the "Quilting Answer Book" which is pretty handy. A good online resource is SewMamaSew. They have a few tutorials on their website and they also have many links to other tutorials. If you want to do quilting, there is a great "Quilt-A-Long" tutorial here. Do you have a quilt store any where near you? I think it's definitely a good idea to buy quality fabrics. I did try a new sewing project today that was fairly quick. It's a little lined zip pouch to put knitting supplies in (stitch markers, needles, etc):

Tonight the plan is to swatch for a sweater I'm going to start and wind yarn that I'm taking with me to Hawaii. My plane project is going to be a pair of socks that are going to be a gift, and I'm taking the blue scarf and the newest sweater with me.
Well, off to check on the BBQ Ribs in the crockpot....the house smells like a BBQ joint (in a good way!)
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