First, it's snowing. Again. Where do I live??
It's been a nice few days here... We had a family weekend with 16 families (half capacity) and a whopping 7 volunteers (normally 30) but it didn't feel too stressful. Most of the families were returners, so they knew how to navigate. I even ran on Saturday during rest-time, which was awesome.
Sunday rolled in and I ran up to Bowling Green for a yarn sale. Your sweet Mama sent me a link to her sale and I wish I had had her pull stuff for me... because let's be honest. The sale here wasn't a sale really... it was 10% off if you paid in cash, she was "learning" her new computer system (WHY GOD, WHY!?) and the line took me more than an hour to get through. On top of that, the woman in line in front of me complained the whole time about how the owner hates her because she only buys sale items.... and then she cut me in line. Regardless, I dropped bank on some pretty things for me (a first!) and baby C... Didn't find any nice looking tweed for Dad's vest...
Here is what I got:

The pink and puke green are for
this and the purple bulky funness is for
this. Fun fun!
In other news... after the sale, I did my long run of the week- seven miles (go tell S!!) and did it at a relatively good pace too!! I came home, showered and turned on the tv to remember it was Superbowl Sunday. I didn't watch a second of it... I know, I'm so un-American. I watched the last part of Emma on PBS instead and got to knitting!
I'm almost finished with Mom's sleeve. I swear. The problem is, I think I'm going to redo the other sleeve (I think I added too many stitches and everything will be way too big now... I will finish tonight. I'm determined.
I definitely need to bring in my yarn and needles to the office tonight and practice my two-strand long tail cast on... I am not capable of reading and processing the directions from the book. Frustrating.
Last little bit of fun has been FOOD. After the weekend we had left over fruit which I got to take with me... which resulted in me eating too many kiwis... blackberries... blueberries... and strawberries for my own good! Such luxury! This is my breakfast (two days strong now!)
Then there was dinner. Don't have a picture, but took a bit of butter and browned some garlic, then added cherry tomatoes and let them burst.... added some fresh parsley and a bunch of lemon juice and put it over angel hair pasta. Ahhhhh, how I love pasta!
Okay, technically I'm at work today, so I should get to it, but I wanted to say hi and send some loving!
Oh and ps, I got your email about the fiber festival. It is the week before leadership orientation this summer, so it's possible!! We'll see ;) I really want to find a different yarn store/supplier after this fiasco this weekend, so hopefully I'll meet some sweet amish lady that spins yarn or something...
And one more thing. We need to chat about ravelympics, because I don't want to screw anything up and not have my things counted!
And one SUPER EXCITING THING. I bought a Shark Steam Mop last week! I will have to take pics. My inner cleaning geek is super excited about the amount of nasty it picks up off the floor!!
Love you!