Wednesday, February 17, 2010

not a good night.

well, came home to run (with about half motivation level...) and discovered pup had STOLEN my shoes. Not joking. If that's not a sign I don't know what is... It took me a good 20 minutes to find the second (the first, in a pile of dirt, was sitting on the couch. awesome.) So I went straight to knitting...

and catching up on the olympics I missed... my dvr got mad at me and didn't record curling, which totally sucks, because it's secretly my favorite!!

then this am, i woke up with some stomach issues... which prompted a sleep in morning... i still feel pretty gross, which isn't adding to my desire not to run, so today, too, may be a day off... maybe some yoga tonight instead...

the hat is coming along. pattern is tricky, but im getting the hang of it. i really struggle with reading charts...

hope you are well, you sure are productive!!

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